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2023-06-02 04:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇1

  In the afternoon, the teacher took two classes of time to let us see a movie, the film's name is called "wind and rain Harvard road", after reading, gave me the heart of shock, and deeply moved.

  The protagonist is a girl who grew up in New York, Liz. Liz grew up in a poor family, his childhood in drugs, AIDS, through hunger filled environment. Although parents are drug addicts, but she still love them, she also felt that parents love her, even though they forget it.

  Just as Liz said "I love my mother, so deep, she also drug abuse, alcoholism, almost blind, she was schizophrenic, but I never forgot that she loved me, although she did some things, always, always, always so that I can see a children of parents selfless love, this love although great, but is also a yoke of bondage, Liz, can obviously has the ability to read, change their own destiny, but because of the need to take care of her mother and give up, until my mother died, can really break the shackles, change His fate. Her mother was a drug addict to die that day, only the coffin, and that is not even a simple funeral rituals. The mothers away, to bring her in addition to sad, only sad.

  Later, when she began wandering.17 years old, she just need a chance. She began to study hard with extraordinary perseverance. The time of two years, she mastered a high school four year course.1996 years, a $12000 New York Times a scholarship, let her get Harvard's pass, the dream of the Harvard University to open her arms, she succeeded! Her experience, her sincerity, her thesis deeply touched every one of the judges. With the strong desire of the persistent pursuit of faith and to change the life predicament, she finally realized his promise. And the fate of Liz the story, in the face of adversity and despair, she did not yield the brave spirit, touching!

  But not necessarily belong to the person, always want to pursue something, and the pursuit of really do not have their own think so difficult, the most difficult is how to let oneself do not think it is difficult, and has taken the first step. Each person has their own opportunities, seize the opportunity to succeed, and success is to grasp the opportunity, as Liz, she not only grasp the opportunity, and she also knows how to take advantage of opportunities, successful people know how to opportunity, only empty to grasp the opportunity is useless, only to learn to use it to life is the truth, is the king. In fact, life really can change, as long as you work hard, as long as you pay!

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇2

  Life, like a thick book in history, which records the life. Different people have different experiences, woven into the book of life. Some book content is flat, some contents of the book in an orderly manner, but she is the interpretation of the book of life of the dripping Lizhu exhaustive.

  Her family life make anyone feel that his mother was a drug addict, AIDS patients also suffer from schizophrenia. She didn't have to worry about people blaming heaven, in her heart has always had a desire, hope mother can do love her, care for her as before, to her warm. For this desire, she don't go to school, she hate school, she didn't want to leave my mother. But when my mother died that never again to her mother's warmth. Go, go to another world. She woke up, she realized that only knowledge can change her living conditions. After many setbacks, she entered the a school, she was determined to complete the four year course in two years. She tried to learn, finally pays off, she did. Harvard University, every students dream of the University, she was admitted to her. Through their own struggle, rewrote its own The book of life.

  Thus, think about our own. How to write our own this book? Was born, the great maternal love around us. Parents give us wear clothes, parents in the food end to our table, parents give us to pick up things parents considerate, almost to the extreme. However, we have grown up, since life also can not completely take care of themselves, or even leave parents do not know the future where. At this time, if you think about the fifteen years on their own to feed their strong girl.

  Living in EH the teenagers, the aggrieved, to parents Huailizha, feelings of affection of the great, let affection to heal the injured heart, feel tired when can listen to music, lying in bed, quiet sleep, using a variety of ways to relax your body and mind. However, at this time, you also have to think of, the in washing the dishes, also remember the words, in the bus also formula of persistent girl.

  Life, hard road. Book of life and need to write out our own content. Wonderful content or not, not to see the family prominent background, parents are not great achievements, the key is the fruits of your endeavours. Let us carefully written book of life, a belongs only to his book of life.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇3

  The Liz Murray Story is one of my most favorite movie, telling the motivational story of a Harvard girl Liz Murray. Liz has a tragic childhood. Her parents took drugs and she began to beg at her eight. When she was fifteen years old, her mother died of AIDS and her father entered the shelter.

  However, she was not degenerate but, when she was seventeen, she finished four years of high school courses in two years and got the 1996 The New York Times first-class scholarship, admitted to Harvard.This film is a wake-up call, expressing a poor suffering girl who changes her life with perseverance, faith and strong willpower, showing the theme that once you work hard, you can achieve. I am deeply moved by this film and the story of Liz.

  I think I can feel her weakness when she was in trouble and hardness, but all she does proves that she would never be struck down by the reality. She always owns the faith that she can change her life by herself. I think it’s a faith that we should have, too.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇4

  Life tells me: she is not a happy child. She lived in a dirty, chaotic, and violent family environment full of drugs since she was a child. Her parents were drug addicts, her mother was drug addict, alcoholic, schizophrenic, and nearly blind. Her father was mentally abnormal and had no feelings for his wife and children. Word. She was called a "tasteful child" by her classmates at school, endured the outside world's ridicule and disgust, and struggled to survive in such a cold world. But who can confidently say that she is unhappy? She finally got into the university of her dreams with her own efforts, she stood at the top of her life and got what she was after. There are many people who can't get what they want, and can't get rid of what they don't want, but she has done all of these. Her luck and misfortune lie not in how much she has endured, but in how much she has transformed. If the misfortune in the past had made her miserable, then the final success is enough to carry everything before. The weight of life is the sum of pain and laughter, and she has gained far more than happiness.

  Liz's mother said that she was not a good mother, but in Liz's heart, her mother was her god. "I love my mom all the time, all the time, even though she's on drugs and she's not taking care of her daughter, but I've been taking care of her as if she's become my child," Liz said, "even if you're the worst in the world. My mother, even in the eyes of the world you are a feared addict, mother, I still love you so much." Liz always loved her mother like this. She always remembered the scene of paddling down the slope with her mother as a child, and her mother's embrace was warm, a temperature that could melt glaciers. Yes, she has always believed that the warmth will return, her mother will come back, and her family will be as happy as before, but life has not met her small requirements. When she was fifteen years old, when she realized that "her mother is where her home is", her mother left her, she loved her mother so deeply, even though her mother only brought her poverty , hunger, violence, but she still followed her mother's depraved footsteps and did not leave her alone in the darkness. Mother died, and one of her lights went out. When she jumped down on her mother's coffin, the whole world turned dark, she just lay there quietly on the coffin with her mother's body, without any extra language, she just wanted to be with her mother for the last time farewell. She quietly told her mother in her heart, recalling the happiest moments in her life. Her mother has left her, and the person who loves her most in the world has left her. An ordinary weak girl, a weak girl who does not expect anything else but only longs to be surrounded by family, when her last ray of hope is shattered, what is left to her is sadness, only sadness.

  The mother's lamp went out, but the other lamp of her life was lit. She said: I want to go to school, I don't want to be an idiot. So, she did it. With sincerity, she finally won the opportunity to take the exam to enter the middle school. Her father came out of the shelter as her guarantor for school. After going through the guarantee procedures, my father said to her, good boy, keep studying, I can't succeed, but you can do it. Looking at the background of her father leaving, the weak girl strengthened her confidence and walked into the gate of the school calmly. She started her hard study with extraordinary perseverance. From the age of 17 to 19, in two years, she studied and mastered the four-year high school curriculum, with grades above A in every subject. As a reward, she and 9 other classmates got the opportunity to visit Harvard University in Boston for free. In a rich autumn, golden yellow covers the whole season. Under a tree full of splendor, a girl stood in front of the door of Harvard University, looking up. Facing the palace of the university, she is determined to realize another wish of hers - she wants to become a member of this university, and she wants to prove to herself and the world that life can actually be changed.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇5

  I happened to see Li Zhihua, a girl with a broken arm, tell a story about her growth on the learning app, and I was very moved. Then I found relevant reports and learned that she is an inspirational lecturer for teenagers and one of the prototypes of the Huabiao Award movie "Invisible Wings".

  This reminds me of the movie "Wind and Rain on Harvard Road". Life force is amazing. The meaning of life, each person interprets with his own experience and experience. Live up to it, stay kind, strong will, follow nature, embrace love, and move forward bravely.

  "Wind and Rain Harvard Road" is a wake-up call and inspirational movie. The film introduces Liz, a girl who was born in a slum in the United States. She has suffered from family problems since she was a child. Her mother was a drug addict and suffered from schizophrenia. When she was 15, her mother died of AIDS, and the scene where Liz was lying on her mother's coffin was especially touching. The father entered the shelter. The poor Liz had to go out begging, wandering in the corner of the city with some friends, and the misery of life seemed endless. As she grew up, Liz knew that only by studying well could she change her destiny and get out of the quagmire. She moved the principal of the high school with the most sincere attitude and told her story, and won the opportunity to study. Then, Liz started her journey on the long way to school. She went to school while working and completed four years of high school in two years. She won a full scholarship from The New York Times for her sincere speeches, and walked into Harvard with confident steps. Poverty did not stop Liz's determination to move forward. Liz has experienced the hardships and bitterness of her life, but with her own efforts, she fought bravely forward. The focus of the film is not how Liz studied hard at Harvard, but that she had a belief in reading and worked frantically to finally achieve her wish.

  In the expression of the content of this film, there are many classic lines that are deeply educated. For example, it was at that moment that I understood where I was and that I had to make choices about my life. I can bow my head in the face of life with all kinds of excuses, or I can try to live a better life for myself.

  Most of the previous episodes of "Harvard Road" are about Liz's growth environment and hardships, which fully contrast and pave the way for Liz's progress, breakthrough and transformation. No matter how depraved her mother is, her love is invincible. Liz always remembers that before she was six years old, her mother was healthy and gave her warmth and love, even if there were only the slightest fond memories. Liz always loved her mother and never gave up.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇6

  Without suffering, one cannot grow up overnight. --Inscription

  The film tells the story of a regular school student in Liz. Her parents were both drug addicts, so she was forced to stop her studies. Later, her mother died of AIDS, and her father was admitted to a shelter. She started high school at the age of 19 and completed four years of high school in two years. , and received a New York Times scholarship. , and eventually got into Harvard University.

  I was moved by her spirit. She lost everything and was alone. But she did not give up on herself, but faced difficulties, not afraid of difficulties. She began to desperately squeeze time to study on the subway, in the classroom, and in the long night, and finally her hard work paid off, and she achieved the first good grade in the school.

  With the gritty expression on the heroine's rain-drenched face, we can know that she will never compromise. The world is turning, without you, the earth will still turn, and reality will not change according to your will. It is indeed reasonable to say that the world will not stop or reverse time and space because of your unfortunate experience alone. You can only change yourself. Force yourself to change the status quo. Never compromise.

  On our way forward, there may be wind and rain, or there may be twists and turns. But please don't give up, this is life.

  Liz is a mirror, a mirror for all students. Maybe, unconsciously, she became proud, lazy, and even degraded in her studies. It's not that everything didn't happen, it's just that she didn't know it. Has the past year been busy? I don't know how to answer. If the answer is yes, then how do you spend so much wasted time in laziness? Where did those unacceptable times go? If the answer is negative, where did the hard work of that year go? Because there is no willpower stronger than others, dragged like a tail at the end of the class. Today, I finally have a goal, I finally understand everything, don't think that the world will change with your will, because the will of others is much stronger than yours. The future of the future, everything is gradually becoming clear.

  Only through hell-like ordeals can we create the power of heaven; only through bloody fingers can we play a peerless song; only through the vicissitudes of life and many difficulties can we finally win and survive.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇7

  There has never been an inspirational film that shocked me as much as the drama "Harvard Road", which made my heart unable to calm down for a long time.

  The protagonist in the film, Liz, was born humble and grew up in a filthy and chaotic environment. Her parents were drug addicts and parents who had children but could not support them. As Liz stated:

  The environment I was born in, all the people I know are full of anger, they live only to survive...Everyone around them is talking about sex, they try to survive every day....

  She has been a beggar, picked up food from garbage, and slept in subway stations. In such a harsh environment, she always believed that there was another place, better and more developed. She wanted to live in that kind of place. So she took the initiative to find a way out, trying her best to climb out of the environment she was born in and force herself to create a better life. It is because of this concept, cognition, and belief that she spares no effort to struggle; it is because of this concept, cognition, and belief that she also faces her downcast father calmly, because in her opinion, it is her father who let her know that there is another way to survive. road. He was the beginning of her dream.

  In a way, God is fair. When he cut off all her retreats, he also gave her upward wisdom. So instead of wasting her time in discouragement, she looked at the predicament with a calm and collected eye. She knew she had no way out, so she fought as hard as she could to see what would happen.

  Many times, it is not because you see hope that you work hard, but you have hope after you work hard. Efforts not only make her not have to obey the arrangement of fate, but also gradually fill her life with many possibilities, making her look forward to a better future:

  At first, she wanted to read in order to escape the environment in which she was born. After school, I want to complete four years of schooling in two years. After applying for a scholarship, he won the highest university, Harvard University. This is her goal and dream that she never dared to imagine before. In this way, her efforts with a sense of direction brought rhythm and order to her chaotic life. Turn homeless people into Harvard students.

  Her story made me understand more deeply: the poorest people in the world are not penniless people, but people who have no dreams, no vision, and no immediate determination to act and work hard.

  Yes, one cannot choose one's own birth and family. However, what is even more tragic is that most people from humble backgrounds like her are often trapped in this vicious circle and cannot get out of the shadow of their family. They think they, like their parents, are only worthy of a messy life, like another character on the show, Chris, Liz's best friend.

  Chris and Liz have similar family backgrounds but have completely different life trajectories. One is still a poor child living on the streets, and the other won the sixth New York Times Scholarship. In just two short years, what made them widen such a big gap?

  Someone once said that the gap can be roughly divided into two types: one is the individual's family background and external image; the other is the individual's values, learning ability, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and adventurous spirit.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇8

  Harvard, the school that students all over the world yearn for, and the university that everyone admires. The students in this university are either blessed with unique talents and talents, or have unique personalities, or have perseverance and perseverance. The film shows us the story of how a girl from the lowest echelons of society eventually became a Harvard student. The girl's family is very poor and her family life is in chaos. Her mother was on drugs, her father was doing nothing but didn't care, letting the situation continue to develop in a bad direction, and she also had a sister. Part of the heroine's childhood was spent in such an environment, and she even made a living by picking up garbage. Even though life has turned this way, the heroine still loves her mother and her home. Seeing this, she may feel that she is too young to understand the world and helpless. Until one day, when she came home with her full score report card, her mother was taken away by government workers for compulsory detoxification. In an instant, I saw that her world seemed to collapse. Her love for her mother was so deep, and in that environment, it was truly incredible.

  She is very smart, but she doesn't want to go to school. Because at school, classmates would laugh at her, and teachers would choose to ignore her. Here, the so-called civilized school is in stark contrast to the heroine's family. Although her home is so unbearable, there is still love and warmth. The school, however, has become a cold and dirty place. Later, her mother went home again, but it was to tell her that her mother was leaving. Instead of leaving with her mother, she was sent to the orphanage. As a result, the second half of her childhood and part of her youth were spent in welfare institutions. In middle school, she met a group of good friends. She skipped classes and even dropped out of school. She ran away from home and wandered the streets. She seemed very happy and didn't seem to have any troubles. However, even so, she still misses her mother, she still goes back to see her, she goes to see her, even eats together, and walks down the street like a normal person. However, with her mother's physical condition, she would not live long. Finally, she went to attend her mother's funeral. At that deserted and overly simple funeral, the actions of the protagonist's friend, and the scene where the protagonist finally lies on his mother's coffin is very touching. What a deep love. Although they are the most disrespected group, they show the purest kindness. There is no material purpose, it is purely the exchange of feelings between people and the love from the soul.

  At this point, the heroine finally realizes that she needs to go to school. She and her friends took completely different paths. From her application to the school to her successful admission, what we see is her intelligence and perseverance. It was her persistence that gave her the opportunity to enroll. The tempering of life and her bright mind gave her the guarantee of successful enrollment. She began to cherish the time, and began to constantly improve and supplement herself. If she had no money, she went to earn a scholarship. What if there was no way ahead? You can develop it yourself. What about being alone? Can fight alone. She said, I know, I have to get out of the floor where I am. Her intelligence, her courage, her persistence, her love, and her self-confidence helped her to finally enter Harvard.

  During her studies, her teacher gave her great help. He is a patient and talented person, and the heroine's Bole. It was also because he gave her the opportunity to visit Harvard that she started her journey to Harvard. The protagonist's friend and the protagonist are in stark contrast. The protagonist has always believed that going to school can change her destiny, but her friend is willing to stay at the lower level. She didn't believe she could leave the status quo, and she didn't really think about the future.

  This film touched me a lot. The heroine's desire for the future and a strong attitude in the face of all suffering. The intense love for her family and her parents that she exudes touched me deeply. Even if the reality is disappointing, so be it, use your own power to change the status quo one day. There is no reality that can stop the future, it only depends on whether you fight for it.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇9

  every road

  There are reasons for having to travel like this

  Every road to go

  There are directions that have to be chosen in this way


  There is always such a road, maybe it is the wind and rain along the way, but if you go on, you can always reap the scenery along the way.

  Along the way, Liz in the film walked out of a family whose parents were drug addicts, grew up in a shelter, but loved life and entered Harvard with honors.

  To be honest, after watching the film, I was far more shocked than moved. I was shocked by his persistence, by his life course, and even more by his calmness when he was admitted to Harvard.

  In contrast, my life, or the life of the people around me, will not have such ups and downs. Perhaps, we were all born with golden keys in our hands, and we do not understand the ups and downs of life, nor do we know how the world is hot and cold.

  What I feel the most is that Liz's experience is unfortunate, but in the whole play, only his cry after the death of his mother, the others are all smiles. He didn't cry, and we have no reason to cry.

  A lot of times, tears always accompany us. When I was a child, I loved to cry too. I fell down, cried, and was criticized by my mother.

  The fingertips flowed through the old testament written by Bach in the dream, and the memory of the old testament was full of fragrance.

  It was an afternoon when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and the sunlight was swaying, which was very suitable for people to write stories.

  The sadness of failing the exam fills my heart, causing tears to flow out of nowhere. My mother walked into the room, thinking she would comfort me, sobbing.

  Unexpectedly, my mother said a sentence: "The real successful person is not that he can't cry, but that he does not cry when he shouldn't cry." At that time, I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, I just knew that I couldn't cry anymore. .

  And now, it is clear to the heart, maybe successful people will cry, but when they shouldn't cry, they should have tears and don't shed lightly, maybe turning grief and anger into strength is the best choice.

  I finally understood that not crying is not because of forgetting the grief, but because it is remembered that facing difficulties with the best mood is a magic weapon in life.

  We have walked all the way, there are wind and rain along the way, maybe we can't change the wind and rain, we can only change ourselves.

  Pursuing the next second of every unknown, there may be a desolation in front of you, but there will always be beauty. Life should be a river, calm and endless, and you can deeply appreciate that only the still water is long and the waves are surging. .

  Maybe the road is the road of wind and rain, be your own Liz, and walk through the stormy life with that calmness, self-improvement, and perseverance.

  The clouds are in the sky, the luggage is in front of you, there is a road leading to the sun, there is no edge, and along the way, wind and rain, wind and rain, will whizz by, leaving only a successful song, sing in my heart.

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇10

  When we saw the name of the film, we knew it was an inspirational film. After reading it, the people I saw in my dormitory cried and got infected.

  I have cried, but is in the drama of the midway of death cry, family is very important to me, just like the heroine love their mothers love their father, although they abandoned her, though they are drug and AIDS patients, but I can feel that parents love the children. So, when her mother left, I thought of my grandmother, and I felt that death was getting closer and closer to her, and I was suddenly terrified, terrified of death, afraid that my loved ones would leave me. I shed tears.

  Girls experience, let her be able to feel a strong desire to change their own situation than the average person, it is the way the only ahead of thought, she volunteered to go to school, take the initiative to adapt to life, actively choose the last one out of the classroom, one of the earliest to enter the classroom, a a rhythm of life. The smart girl also won the chance to travel to go to Harvard, it is this opportunity to change her, she would like to Harvard people inside like life like them, she finally through their own efforts to obtain the New York Times scholarship, and on the inside to find a part-time job. In the end, she went on to further her studies and entered another university's film major. She said she would remember the memories she had gone through, but she would still move forward.

  Another girl and she became a stark contrast to her own doomed doomed without a single success, you can't change your destiny, so finally when at the age of eighteen, we can imagine she will be out of the penitentiary, go to the other way. So the road is their own choice, first of all to have the idea of change, and then change the way the same action, finally, will succeed. Just like the college entrance examination, we regard college entrance examination as a state of our life. And now in the university to see this film, let me think of the year we, and now we, as well as the future of us.

  A butterfly is to endure experience, imagine yourself as the creatures in the chrysalis. Give it to myself!

  看到电影名称,便知道是个励志片,看完过后,我们宿舍跟我一起看的人哭了,感染了 。




  破茧成蝶是需要忍受历练,想象自己是那蝶蛹里的生灵。give it to myself!

  风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇11

  "Please don't close your eyes. The opportunity appears in the next second."." This sentence is from a classic American inspirational electric shadow "wind and rain Harvard road".

  The film a movie about a girl who grew up in New York, Liz, experience the life of hardship and bitterness, by virtue of their own efforts, and ultimately into the highest institution -- the experience of Harvard University, shows a poor girl with his persistent belief and perseverance to change the fate of the theme.

  Yes, "please don't close your eyes. The opportunity appears in the next second."." This is Alice must encourage their efforts in studying diligently, admitted to Harvard said. Just to make sure that you take every chance.

  See here, I remembered my last go "test section" when things in order not to let father disappointed, but also for us, the first three games I have very serious ground, every step of thinking for a moment. But in the latter four games, I was a little proud, and I thought, "I've won three games, and I'm sure I can win."!" I began to relax vigilance, just rely on intuition, the results are all lost!

  After the game, I thought to myself: "I can rise to success, because of my moment of complacency, so I wasted such a good opportunity."!"

  "Please don't close your eyes. The opportunity appears in the next second."." We must not give up because of what, arrogant. The opponent is convinced that the next second, seize the opportunity to win, but I was proud, lost the promotion opportunity, alas......




















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